Location.- TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT (TeD), is a civil, private, nonprofit development institution active since 2000 and legally constituted, with legal status granted by RP No. 025/01 and NIT No. 1008653025. TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT (TeD), It has offices in Cochabamba in the Santa María Building (Av. Oquendo between Venezuela and F. Blanco) 4th. Apartment of. 4D and by agreements with the National Institutions with which we work, there are temporary delegations.
Scope and Activities TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT (TeD ), does not pursue profit purposes, nor is it developed on religious and/or partisan political topics, it fulfills a social function intended to contribute to the comprehensive development of the diverse societies of the Plurinational State of Bolivia and all bioterritorial areas. corresponding, so it is related socially, scientifically, technologically and economically both nationally and internationally. TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT (TeD), has national and international scope, contributes to the scientific, social, ecological and economic development of the country, through creation and technical assistance programs as well as the channeling of resources based on providing advice, developing and evaluating projects, form comprehensive educational processes at different levels of training to promote the bioculture of the environment, flora and fauna, both in urban and rural areas; promote scientific research, community social TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT ( TeD ) 1 extension to discover and disseminate the most appropriate technologies for the development of Bolivian society in the socio-environmental branches, in addition to promoting the principles of environmental conservation and all ecological doctrine, both present and from the future. TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT (TeD), promotes consulting and technical advice in the preparation and administration of development projects and human knowledge programs, whether in the rural or urban sector; Likewise, through its service and production units, it promotes scientific exchange between national and international universities as well as various national research institutions, such as science academies, and technology-environmental protection units and their life systems. TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT (TeD), in the economic and financial framework, has channels and contributions from altruistic people and/or institutions, both national and foreign, for the best comprehensive development of the Bolivian human factor, applying the appropriate results to both rural and urban environments, translated into actions and interventions as a contribution to production and science, improving the living conditions of the population, through specific management programs implementing and introducing appropriate technological alternatives to the development of the rural and urban sector of the country, which promote plant production, agriculture, forestry, production and comprehensive control of pests and diseases, seeking to encourage biotechnology practices in plant and animal production, as well as favor the development of agroindustry. TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT (TeD), has developed its activities at the national level, with greater intervention throughout the Department of Cochabamba, Department of La Paz, as well as high-value experiences in Pando (Cobija) and constant actions in Santa Cruz (Valles Mesothermic) and Oruro (Pongo).
Regulatory Framework The NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT (TeD), is an Autonomous Entity. constituted under the Political Constitution of the State: Paragraph 4., of article 21. Of Section 1 (Civil Rights) of Chapter Three (Civil and Political Rights). Point 13 of Paragraph I of Article 300. Eighth Chapter (Distribution of powers). TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT ( TeD ) 2 Point 15 of Paragraph II of Article 298. Eighth Chapter (Distribution of powers). Likewise, it is subject to the prescriptions of Art. 58 of Chapter II and Artos. 67, 68 and 69 of Chapter III corresponding to the Bolivian Civil Code. Fulfilling the purpose of carrying out all its acts of a legal and institutional nature to fulfill its proposed purposes, thus having its own Legal Status.
Thematic areas The initial work axis has been the theme of rural/urban development and focused on the environmental-energy-basic sanitation theme, considering that energy is a key element to achieve the sustainable development of all sectors. TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT (TeD ), from a broad, supportive and active perspective, seeks to promote greater and more rational use of energy and the environment in Bolivia, through the diversification of supply sources and their efficient use, contributing this way to the conservation of the environment. The institution mainly provides technical assistance that enables target groups to improve their initial conditions and satisfy their basic needs, increase the standard of living and support production, promoting quality and efficiency. The target group of TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT (TeD ) is:
peasant families with unmet demands in terms of basic services, energy and inadequate conditions for their productivity or way of life.
the groups of professionals that provide services in rural and urban areas.
the rural and marginal urban population that can benefit from renewable energies, basic sanitation and energy savings, by making rational use of them.
populations that involve coexistence with fauna and flora. The work with the target groups is coordinated with the respective Municipalities, associations and/or communities, seeking active participation from these institutional levels, and seeking to ensure that the development of the different projects is consistent with national and regional development policies. and municipal, and it is possible to interact in an effective and real way in this institutional framework. TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT ( TeD ) 3 TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT (TeD ) , through its activities, covers aspects related to the process of project identification and execution, financial analysis, management, productive uses, interinstitutional coordination and development planning, through the execution of 6 programs that interrelate institutional objectives and potential with the demands of the environment. These strategic programs are: ✓ Rural Energy-Environmental Development (DER). Program thematically concentrated on rural planning, work with rural municipalities and the management of isolated rural energy systems. ✓ Resources and Environment Assessment (EREMA). Program responsible for the study and evaluation of energy potentials, behavior and performance of different end-use technologies, improvement and/or change of technologies, etc., together with the identification, evaluation and mitigation of environmental impacts of energy use, among them the mitigation and physical and economic accounting of greenhouse gas emissions. ✓ Training and Promotion ( CyP ). Program that works fundamentally on the production of information, documentation and its dissemination in the environment, as well as on the training and development of human resources under a selective perspective and differentiated strategies according to the strata of interest, in the different topics developed by TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT . ✓ Support for the Development of Basic Infrastructure (ADIB). This area supports the development of basic infrastructure aimed at improving the living conditions and productive capacities of rural families. Particularly, it works with basic sanitation, provision of drinking water, micro-irrigation , improvement of posts and schools, eventually it has supported the implementation of road improvement projects and others. ✓ Interinstitutional Training (IC), in a multidimensional approach and due to the process aimed at solving institutional needs, there is this area that fulfills the function of training between institutions.
Number of Projects currently being executed by thematic area To date , TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT ( TeD ) have managed different projects through strategic plans and internal operational activities such as: project management, pre-investment studies , and execution and investment activities, which has allowed ordered to monitor all activities. TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT ( TeD ) 4 By number of projects, execution projects represent the largest amount, followed by technical assistance and training studies. The preinvestment “project” is incorporated into the category of studies and technical assistance . The presence of the institution in the different places in the country with which it works has formed the workforce of TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT ( TeD ), composed of engineering professionals (Environmental, Agronomic-Hydraulic), economists, specialists in Social health , field technical experts, and support staff, as well as experts in different branches at the level of external consultants.
Institutional Experience The institutional experience is summarized below in conceptual form. Identification, Evaluation and Design of Renewable Energy Projects.
Identification and execution of projects, which include the management scheme and institutional pre-agreements for execution and financing.
Preparation of renewable energy project portfolios in interinstitutional agreements and with international institutions.
Final design of civil works for different Municipalities, including technical specifications. Project Execution 2001-2014
Implementation of Low-Cost Biodigesters in Bolivia, dissemination stage, Cochabamba Valleys and Altiplano Paceño “ Self-energetic housing ”. 2001-2002
lighting and radio reception energy systems based on equipment that does not use traditional batteries, but rather renewable energy schemes. 2002
Implementation of low-cost biodigesters, latrines and ecological showers in several municipalities of Cochabamba and La Paz. 2002- 2003
Introduction of solar collection systems based on a model designed and planned by our institution, for installation in rural latrinesshowers. 2003-2004
Mitigation of environmental effects of productive activities (pig farms, cattle, etc. ), which produce methane in large quantities. 2004-2005 TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT ( TeD ) 5
Research and development of alternative energies and appropriate technologies for rural areas (wind turbine, cycle generator , biological pools). 2006
Introduction and adaptability of Tulip cultivation in Cochabamba, Bolivia. 2006
Collaboration in the Photovoltaic electrification of Post Offices and Schools in the Municipalities of Pasorapa , Arque, Tapacari and Bolívar. 2007-2008
Collaboration Photovoltaic Electrification of Post Offices and Schools Municipality of Alalay. 2008
Implementation of Photovoltaic Pumping projects in Pasorapa . 2009
Renovation and improvement of educational conditions in the Municipality of Alalay with the implementation of solar collectors for showers and school furniture. 2010-2012
Evaluation and monitoring of projects of the Poverty Alleviation program, financed by The Royal Netherlands Embassy. 2013
Collaboration in the implementation of rural electrification programs based on Photovoltaic Panels for the rural area of Cochabamba. 2013- 2014 Training in Renewable Energy and Environmental Efficiency.
Training and dissemination of our technological package to different institutions, such as the University, Foundations, and others. 2001- 2014
Constant training for project beneficiaries. 2001-2014
Preparation of manuals, information booklets and posters for training. 2001-2014
Organization and planning of workshops, courses, training days, and others 2001-2014 Sources of funding. The sources are variable and come from the following sources:
Vice-Ministry of Environment of the Government of the Canary Islands, ITER Renewable Energy Institute, Spain.
Association of Controllers of the Canary Islands, Spain
University of Granada, CICODE, Spain.
Honorable Municipality of Mizque. TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT ( TeD ) 6